Terms and Conditions
Please read these terms carefully before using this website. By entering this website you acknowledge and agree to all terms and conditions set out below. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, do not use this website.
These terms of use are applicable to this website, the copyright property of Ad Astra Associates Pty Ltd (Ad Astra), A.B.N. 15 053 694 312.
Use of Website
While the website, its content and any of the information contained therein (collectively "the Content") is published in good faith, no warranty or representation about the content including as to it being (a) free of errors and/or omissions, or (b) complete or correct. Ad Astra excludes to the maximum extent permitted by law, any liability which may arise as a result of use of this website. Where liability cannot be excluded, any liability incurred by Ad Astra is, to the extent permitted by law, limited to that provided under Section 68A of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth).
Ad Astra will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential loss arising from the use of this website, including loss of business profits.
Ad Astra reserves the right to change, amend, or delete any of the Content at any time without prior notice.
Copyright in the Content, including (but not limited to) text, photographs, images, pictures or other work is the property of Ad Astra or their respective copyright holders.
Duplication, modification, deletion, or reproduction in any form whatsoever without prior written permission of the copyright holder, whether Ad Astra or another entity, is prohibited.
Permission to use Ad Astra's copyright material may be granted -on application- on an individual basis and at Ad Astra's sole discretion.
Trade Marks, Registered Names
The rights to trade marks, logos, and registered names on this website are the property of Ad Astra or of their respective owners/licensees. Any use of such marks without permission of the rights holder is prohibited, except for specific purposes permitted under trade mark law or other laws.
Linking to this Website
Prior approval from Ad Astra must be obtained before linking to this Website. Notwithstanding prior approval having been granted, Ad Astra may at any time revoke such linking to the Website if deemed to be used inappropriately. Such determination shall be at the sole discretion of Ad Astra.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding useage of this website.